This is first step to getting the website of your dreams!

This will only take 3 minutes

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First thing's first, what's your email?*

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Great, and what's your first name?*

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Nice to meet you! Do you have an existing website we can look at?

OK ✓
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What is your project about?*

Choose as many as you like

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What is the primary goal of the website?*

Generate more revenue/leads? Appear more professional? Something else?

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How do we measure the success of the website?

i.e. gain 5 new customers a month, add 25% more to our monthly/yearly revenue. Please be realistic.

OK ✓
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If this website achieved the "success" described in the previous question, how much are you prepared to invest, to achieve those results?*

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You've reached the end! You may optionally proceed with scheduling a fit call with us.

Otherwise, click "Finish" to submit your answers and we'll reach out soon!

Step 1 / 7

Thank you, we'll get in touch with you soon!

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